OCEANMAN Vouliagmeni Greece


Events date Oceanman

 7th OCEANMAN Vouliagmeni | Greece 2025

We are Open Water Swimming



OCEANMAN is the first and largest international Open Water swimming race and a World Championship. Designed by swimmers for swimmers, the project started in 2015 and has been growing ever since around the world With numerous races every year on every continent, OCEANMAN is much more than just an experience. It is the opportunity to participate in something bigger than oneself, to push one's limits and to find oneself at the origin of everything, the sea.

OCEANMAN is not just a race, it is a community of people/athletes, a way of life. That is why we seek to be close to the swimmers and offer them a contemporary title/reward for personal success, which represent their enthusiasm for sport living and the sea. We envision becoming the favorite brand of all swimmers in the world.

OCEANMAN Greece, started in Oitylo of East Mani in 2017 a wonderful journey to put Greece on the Visual field/calendar of swimmers around the world. In 2024 for one year it was transferred to Crete and Chania and today it is transferred to Vouliagmeni, in a special and magical place, perfect for Open Water swimming, seeking once again to fascinate and excite active and/or budding OCEANMAN of every swimming level and age. A rich sporting, recreational and cultural experience on the southern coast of Attica and one of the most beautiful organized beaches and breathtaking turquoise seas of Greece.

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Details of the race and the schedule of the races/events can be found at:Events details

Registration is available here:

Registrations 1

For your participation in the race, it is necessary to show an Athlete's Card or a Medical Certificate from a cardiologist / pathologist.

You can download a medical certificate example here

Please download here, the Parents’ written consent for children participation

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Find your teammates for relay

We could contribute to the search for teammates to run the 3 x 0.75k relay with 2 other swimmers.

Please send us your interest here This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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History of OCEANMAN Greece

OCEANMAN Greece was started by Armandos Linardos (Race Director) in 2017, in the region of East Mani called Limeni - Oitylo.

From the first year the event showed its dynamism, gathering hundreds of Open Water swimmers from Greece and around the world. The event was loved by the global swimming community and in 2019 it reached 1,000 participants from dozens of countries, from all continents of the world, giving the host region a great tourist development, offering a unique location for a tourism sport experience.

After the interruption in 2020 due to the Health Crisis, it came back in 2021, attempting to regain the lost ground, while in 2022, with Armandos always at the managing steering (Race Director), IQ Sports undertook to give a big boost to the event, even taking over in November of the same year, in Rethymno, to organize in Rethymno - Crete, the finals of the OCEANMAN World Final Championship.

After a second absence in 2023, OCEANMAN Greece returns, reconstituted by TRIMORE Sport Events, with OCEANMAN Greece | Chania - Crete 2024, the 6th national event (apart from the final), putting Crete and specifically Chania at the centre of the global Open Water swimming scene and interest. Subsequently, the event moves to Attica, to the South coast, to the enchanting Vouliagmeni, aiming to become the race that no Open Water swimmer should not have experienced.

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See the results of OCEANMAN Greece | Chania - Crete 2024 here

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The Location

The event is hosted in the organised Vouliagmeni beach. A special region of Greece, a different world, a wonderful, clean, organized seaside town, full of unique natural beauty, glamour and history.




Multimedia Material

You can find the photos and the video of OCEANMAN Greece | Chania - Crete 2024 here

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Become a Play Maker (Volunteer) of the organisation

The Play Makers are the heart of an event/race, the ones who "make the game"!
Come and live and create together, from the side of the host/hostess of the event OCEANMAN Vouliagmeni | Greece, the special experience we will offer to the athletes and their companions.

Register now: https://trimore.gr/en/join-now-as-volunteer5

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Contact us

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Social Media







OCEANMAN Greece Video Teaser

Organization / Co - Organization

                                                                                    Municipality Logo for Website  OCEANMAN Greece Logo for Website


Strategic Partners
             ETEM NEW LOGO 2024 Elval Stratigikoi Cosmos Strategic          REDBULL


Golden Sponsors

EOT Xrysos Lenovo Xrysos Oceanman ISUZU Silver gasgas felt combo





Athletic Sponsors


new arenaCoros Athletic 

Silver Sponsors

     kuhmo tyre deloitte


Bronze Sponsors

                                                                MINETTA Bronze Orser0 Bronze BellaFruta Bronze Microsport Bronze                                                                                                                               D.Koronakis Bronze Poufmakers Bronze Maurten Bronze WD 40 Bronze                                                                              Tsokas Bronze   foodie


 Travel Sponsor

  attica group 


Auspices - Approvals

ΥΠΑΙΘΑ Auspicies OceanmanEOT AuspiciesKOE Auspicies Oceanman


Media Partners

In News Asimenioi Swimbikerun Asimenioi Livecoverage


Media Sponsors

                                                                        DayNight Asimenios RunNTrail Media Action24 media Bestnews media                                                                                                                                  Cosmote Media IRun Media Outdoor Media Runfun Media                                                                                                                                  SporFm Media CityKidsGuide Media Cycle365 Media Nomad Media                                                                                                                                 iso100 mEDIA RunNBeat Media FlashNews Media Athlitiko Media                                                                                                                               TA NEA Media Patris Media Go outdoor Media



                                                                        Protypo SuppngMarathon SupportersHPXVector                                                                                                                                        CheckABike SupImation Supporters                                                                                        


  Hospitality Sponsor

 Athenian Riviera SupApollonia HospGlyfada Riviera HospStefanakis Hosp