event day 2025



Race Date 2023: November 24 - 26


- Initiation distance SwimRun 12,8k (4 legs of Run, total distance 10,8k, 84,4% | 3 legs of Swim, total distance 2k, 15,6%)

R 3,5k | S 0,45k | R 1,6k | S 0,65k | R 2k | S 0,95k | R 3,7k

blue buttton


12.8k Initiation Race Path All legs


- Core distance SwimRun 23,4k (6 legs of Run, total distance 19,7k, 84,4% | 5 legs of Swim, total distance 3,65k, 15,6%)


blue buttton

23.4k Map


- Advanced distance SwimRun 38,7k (7 Running Legs, total 33,9k (87,6%) | 6 Swimming Legs, total 4,8k (12,4%)

blue buttton

38.7k Map


Things you should know about the race

  1. The race must be done by two people, who will fight together as a pair and complete all parts of the race together, tied with the special rubber rope, which will be given by the event. An exception is the advanced distance, during dangerous sections of downhill and uphill, where athletes are allowed to disconnect.
  2. If one of the two leaves, he abandons the couple. The teammate of an injured athlete, should take care of his/her partner as well as alerting help
  3. Each athlete recognizes as his primary concern the safety of his couple.
  4. During the swimming legs of the race, athletes can use glasses, paddles and barrels (Buoy), but they should make sure to have all the equipment with them during the whole race. It is forbidden to abandon part of the equipment.
  5. The personal float offered by the event to one of the couple or to both if the weather requires it, should be used during the swimming leg in the appropriate way so that the position of the couple is visible by the security forces but also to offer safety to the athletes if needed (embraced by the in need,  to rest). Especially for the advanced distance, the use of the personal flotation device is not allowed during the run, but it is offered and required at the start of difficult swims and is delivered upon completion of those.
  6. Athletes should make sure to have with them water and / or anything they wish to receive as food. During the race, there will be power stations only for the Advance distance without punishment and for emergency in the others during which there will be a mandatory time punishment (2' per bottle) for those who had not properly predicted their water. The punishment will be carried out on the spot at the refueling point, before the couple starts for the rest of their journey. Before starting he will have to deliver the bottle he received to the refueling.
  7. The organization, at its discretion if the weather conditions require it (a lot of heat), may offer water refueling without punishment. A relevant announcement will be made before the preparation process of the athletes on the day of the race, in order to prepare them properly.
  8. Athletes are required to wear wetsuits and should be able to run with it or remove it during running and wear it again before being introduced to the sea.
  9. The wetsuit should at least be up to the shoulders (Long Jogn) and up to the thighs (shorts), while it is acceptable to be 2 segments, but with full overlap in the joint.
  10. In order to protect the environment that hosts us, before the start of the race, each athlete is going to present to the judges of the race the content of his personal float. Everything that each athlete carries with him will be recorded, so that upon his termination it will be confirmed that he has brought back and delivers the empty packages of water and nutritional supplements. The organizer may check on all finishers, on part of them at its discretion or only on the podium winners at its discretion. Objections to the sample are not admissible. A penalty of 10 minutes is imminent if the content is not as stated.
  11. An extremely limited number of athletes are going to take part in each of the three SwimRun distances and for this purpose. a first come, first served basis will be followed during registrations for the completion of the whole process (payment - medical certificate).
  12. When a relevant procedure is applied, the pre-registered persons will have priority in each of the subsequent phases.
  13. Pre-registration (when applied) does not require the payment of an amount or a supporting document, it is an informal commitment of that couple who submits it that they wish when the registrations are opened to submit their final registration (including documents)
  14. SwimRun Hydra participants are aware of the danger of the sport in which they are enrolled to participate and take full responsibility for their participation.
  15. SwimRun Hydra participants give their consent to the creation of multimedia material (videos - photos) which the organizer may freely use for the promotion of the event, including sending them to the media. Also, for the purpose of the athletes' participation in the My SwimRun Championships, the participants give their consent to provide this organisation with their data and also consent to the creation of award lists based on age, performance, etc., to the posting of results on its online media, to the use of multimedia material and to the organisation's communication with them.


Organization / Co - Organization

 Hydra logo TRIMORE ydraikosperifereia 


Strategic Partners
 ETEM NEW LOGO 2024 Elval Stratigikoi
 Εικόνα2                       REDBULL


Athletic Sponsors

                                                                                                                       ARK athletic1 ARK athletic2

                                                                                                                                            Coros Athletic




Golden Sponsors 

 lenovo ISUZU Silver deloitte


Silver Sponsors

                                                                 Zagori Xrysoi   kuhmo tyre


Travel Sponsor 





Auspices - Approvals 

                                                                            εοτ νέο λογότυπο  triathlon hellas  perifereia small



Bronze Sponsors

MINETTA Bronze ιαμυ  Microsport BronzeBlackmile gasgasnesWD 40 Bronzefeltnew koronakis  melissa  BellaFruta Bronze Orser0 Bronze Poufmakers Bronze serbetia bronze  ευ bakeryMaurten Bronze

Tsokas Bronze  foodie




Media Sponsors

cosmote new sporfm irun runfun CYCLE365  action24 citykidsguide bestnews saronic2foni2 DayNight Asimenios Nomad Media iso100 mEDIA RunNBeat Media FlashNews Media Athlitiko Media Patris Media TA NEA Media Go outdoor Media



Media & Strategic Communication Partners

innews swimbikerun live coverage




 vector hrx epilektoi imation check a bike epedal PROTYPO  diving  hydrastrail marathonbikes