Date OWS

Open Water Swimming Challenge - ATHINES By The Sea | Voula A' Beach


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XTERRA is a large, international sports brand, behind which, major Off Road events (TRIathlon, Aquathlon, Trail Running), Open Water Swimming, are held around the world, with a special color and culture of outdoor action in nature.

The Open Sea is an excellent terrain to showcase the talent of swimming, in addition to swimming pool gyms, in a land where the sea is its element! XTERRA Greece, fully embraces the quote: "Greece is not land .. it is a sea that embraces the land!”

The great XTERRA Greece Open Water Swimming Race is the last summer meeting for swimmers and takes place, on the beach of the coastline of the southern suburbs of Attica. This year, the Venue of the Event will take place focusing on the facilities of the organized A’ Voula Beach: ATHINES By The Sea! In search of innovation, adventure and special experience, XTERRA Greece - TRIMORE Sport Events, dares once again and creates a special race in which it includes Ydrousa (an island opposite the Beach around which the participants will swim) in the race terrain as well as the distance of 10 km between the distances to participate.

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The XTERRA Greece Open Water Swimming Race, launched in 2013, gave a new dimension to the swimming events, making it today the top swimming event of the year, a benchmark for athletes from every corner of Greece and abroad.

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An Unforgettable experience for all

Those who have reached the age of 18 and have a proven (medically) good physical condition are eligible to participate. Athletes under 18 years of age must have their parent / guardian signed consent. Athletes that are under 16 years old are allowed to participate at the 1000m distance or the children's race.

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  • 10k O.W.S. distance (2 laps)
  • 5k O.W.S. distance (1 lap)
  • 2,5k O.W.S. distance (1 lap)
  • 1k O.W.S. distance (1 lap)
  • 0,2k O.W.S. Super sprint distance (one way)
  • Kids Cross Aquathlon Race
  • Kids Acticities

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Organization / Co - Organization

 XTERRA Organization VVV Co organizationATHINES Co organization TRImore Organization


Strategic Partners
ETEM NEW LOGO 2024 Elval Stratigikoi Εικόνα2


Golden Sponsor

   Zagori Xrysoi


Athletic Sponsors        

             Coros Xrysoi      



XTERRA Europe Official Sponsors 

                                                                                                              Zoggs xrysoi Elleure Xrysoi.jpg Vittoria Xrysoi



Bronze Sponsors

     MINETTA Bronze Microsport BronzeBlackmile Maurten Bronzeserbetia bronzeBellaFruta Bronze WD 40 BronzeOrser0 Bronze Poufmakers BronzeD.Koronakis Bronze  Tsokas Bronze



Auspices - Approvals 

EOT AuspiciesKOE Supporters


Media Sponsors 

        cosmote tv irun runnfunspor fm ACTION24                                                            CYCLE365 bestnewscitykidsguidenoupou DayNight Asimenios                                                     Nomad Media iso100 mEDIA RunNBeat Media FlashNews MediaAthlitiko MediaPatris Media TA NEA Media Go outdoor MediaOutdoor MediaRunNTrail Media                                                      


Media & Strategic Communication Partners

In News Asimenioi Swimbikerun Asimenioi Livecoverage  



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