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Registration Form for KIDS activities

Kids Cross Aquathlon

Category A: Children of the last three grades of elementary school (100m swimming and 400m running).

  Category B: Children of the three grades of junior high school (200m swimming and 800m running).


Starting - Ending: Beach

There will be no time limit / (Cut Off). Explanations, details of routes, terms and regulations will be given at the Race brief that will take place before the race.

Children's Award Categories:

- A': Elementary School Boys - Girls

- B': Junior High School Boys – Girls

All children who will participate at the children's Cross Aquathlon race, should have the following equipment: swimsuits & glasses (swimming), and athletic shoes (running).  Their "Kids Kit" entry package is received at least one hour before the start, from the secretariat, according to its opening hours, as shown in the schedule. For last-minute registrations, interested parties should be aware that the Kids Kit they will receive may not include full content, given the inability of the organiser to predict last minute registrations.

Kids Lazer Run

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It’s a new sport, initiation in modern pentathlon and multisports. The young athletes will take part in three age categories:

  • • Elementary (fourth, fifth and sixth grade)
  • • Junior High School
  • • High School

The event involves running from target to goal shooting with a gun, which should be armed by the athlete and scored successfully on the target (a light will be on when 5 successful shots are reached). The time available to achieve 5 times the goal is 50 seconds, if he has not managed to achieve it 5 times, he continues to run with only the 50 second delay (no score but only time saving). The faster the athlete is, the more time saving he achieves and continuing on the run, he is more likely to achieve better overall time and position. Timing is total, from the start to run, until the end of the race, that will also end in running. In total, there are 3 running parts (a total of 600 - 800 meters in total) and two on the shooting with a weapon for the small category, while there are 4 running parts (800 - 1,000 meters) and 3 on the shooting with the gun in the two biggest age categories. The event takes place in groups of 5 athletes and the final triad of the podium is based on time.

The weapons are placed on a special table (a table for each weapon, next to each other) and each athlete selects the table that will stand for his shots (5 successful or more if missed).

The difficulty of the sport is to stabilize the gun and target when the athlete has increased pulses. The weapons are completely harmless in their use. Judges control the process both in weapon targeting and in keeping track of the running part. The awards are by age and gender. 

Kids Cycling in a slow pace

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This activity is mainly entertaining and aims to engage children with pleasure and creativity, with an action of balance mainly, but also of thinking - intellect. This fun race competes time, regardless of kid’s age. The only difference is that each child chooses the size of the wooden bicycle wishes to use between two bicycles - which are available. The goal of each child is to move between two parallel lines (at a distance of 80cm between them) of a total distance of about 20 meters without stepping down and without leaving the two lines, at the slowest time. The child that will make this distance at the longest time, will win & be awarded.

Yoga for children

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Combining play with exercise, the result is magical! There is no winner here and there is a loser! Here we all get the pleasure of joining the team!

Yoga, playing and practicing for "kids" of all ages by 2 great yoga instructors with love for kids. (Suggested ages: 4 & up).

Kids Running Relays Activity


These are short distance running relay races (50 - 100 meters depending on age categories), in groups of 2 children (each group).

Young athletes will take part in three age categories:

Elementary (4th, 5th and 6th grades)

Junior High school

High school

The first athletes from each team stand behind a line formed on the floor to give the start, while the second of each team will take position on the same line as soon as the start is given.

The athletes run a straight distance of 25 or 50 meters, so that they cross a second line formed on the floor and return back to hand the baton to the second of their team, who will also run the same distance and do the same so that each of the two athletes of the team has competed twice.

Awards are by age category and: girls, boys, mixed teams.

Stress Run


It consists of running in many strands and in between the concentration of the athlete on the target (passing three rings in a cone) and shooting success despite the increased heart beats and trembling in the hand.

The run is at a distance of one hundred (elementary), two hundred (junior high school) or more (adults) meters at a time and the repetitions 2 or 3 respectively. The ranking of athletes is based on the fastest time.

Athletes compete in rows of 4th or 5 people and the 4 or 5 fastest times, will compete again in the final for the promotion of the 3 positions of the podium for each gender and age category.

Registration in Kids Activities

Organization / Co - Organization

 XTERRA Organization VVV Co organizationATHINES Co organization TRImore Organization


Strategic Partners
ETEM NEW LOGO 2024 Elval Stratigikoi Εικόνα2


Golden Sponsor

   Zagori Xrysoi


Athletic Sponsors        

             Coros Xrysoi      



XTERRA Europe Official Sponsors 

                                                                                                              Zoggs xrysoi Elleure Xrysoi.jpg Vittoria Xrysoi



Bronze Sponsors

     MINETTA Bronze Microsport BronzeBlackmile Maurten Bronzeserbetia bronzeBellaFruta Bronze WD 40 BronzeOrser0 Bronze Poufmakers BronzeD.Koronakis Bronze  Tsokas Bronze



Auspices - Approvals 

EOT AuspiciesKOE Supporters


Media Sponsors 

        cosmote tv irun runnfunspor fm ACTION24                                                            CYCLE365 bestnewscitykidsguidenoupou DayNight Asimenios                                                     Nomad Media iso100 mEDIA RunNBeat Media FlashNews MediaAthlitiko MediaPatris Media TA NEA Media Go outdoor MediaOutdoor MediaRunNTrail Media                                                      


Media & Strategic Communication Partners

In News Asimenioi Swimbikerun Asimenioi Livecoverage  



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